Insurance Blog
Please read our blog about a wide variety of insurance topics. Please feel free to ask us any questions.
Can I Get Better Rates If I Change My Habits Before I Apply For Life Insurance?
Posted: May 7, 2020
Life insurance rates can vary widely depending on your age, health, and lifestyle choices. If you are overweight, smoke or drink, or have a health condition that could be improved by adjusting your lifestyle, you may be able to get better life insurance premiums if you change your habits before you apply. How Are Life Insurance Rates Determined? Insurance companies consider several factors in determining...
Understanding Your Personal Umbrella Policy
Posted: May 1, 2020
A personal umbrella insurance policy will provide extra coverage for you and your assets. It can kick in when other insurance coverage is not enough, but it is not a catch-all policy designed to cover everything. Personal umbrella insurance provides two basic types of coverage – liability and defense costs. What Is Personal Umbrella Coverage? An umbrella policy can cover what primary insurance excludes or...
My 401(k) Is "Frozen" — What Does This Mean & Why Did It Happen?
Posted: April 28, 2020
The decision to freeze a 401(k) is made by company management. This often occurs after a merger, while the new company decides what to do with its inherited 401(k) plan. If your 401(k) has been frozen, you won’t be able to make any withdrawals or make any new contributions as long as the freeze continues. In most cases, you can move assets from one investment...
How Communities Work Together: COVID-19
Posted: April 27, 2020
The COVID-19 outbreak has thrown the entire country into turmoil, with concerns about income, the stock market, how to keep a small business afloat, and above all, ensuring our families and friends stay safe and healthy. New ways of doing business are quickly being established. Most businesses that fall outside the state’s list of essential services have employees who are working from home and meeting...
Managing Your Health After 50
Posted: April 25, 2020
By the time we reach our 50s, we have to face the fact that we’re growing older. Metabolism slows down, muscle mass decreases, and it takes more work to accomplish less in terms of fitness. For many men and women, the 50s are a time when a number of life changes occur – including changes to body. Although the risk for chronic health problems increases...